Wedding Thank You Card Wording Examples

Wedding Thank You Card Wording Examples

The wedding day is over, and now it's time to send out thank-you cards to all of your guests. But what do you write in them? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Here are a few tips and examples to help you get started.

First, start with a personal salutation. This could be something like "Dear [Guest's Name]" or "To our dearest [Guest's Name]." You can also use a more formal salutation, such as "The Honorable [Guest's Name]" or "Dr. [Guest's Name]."

Now it's time to get into the body of the thank-you card. Start by expressing your gratitude to your guest for attending your wedding. You can also mention something specific that you enjoyed about their presence, such as their kind words or thoughtful gift.

Wedding Thank You Card Wording Examples

When writing wedding thank you cards, there are a few key points to keep in mind. Here are 9 important things to include:

  • Personal salutation
  • Expression of gratitude
  • Specific mention of gift
  • Mention of their presence
  • Well wishes
  • Closing salutation
  • Handwritten signature
  • Enclosed gift card
  • Personal touch

By following these tips, you can write thank-you cards that are both personal and meaningful. Your guests will appreciate the time and effort you put into showing your gratitude.

Personal salutation

The personal salutation is the first thing your guests will see when they open your thank-you card. It's important to choose a salutation that is both personal and appropriate for the occasion. Here are a few tips:

**Use a formal salutation if you are writing to someone you don't know well.** This could be someone like your boss, a coworker, or a distant relative. Some examples of formal salutations include:

  • Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name
  • Dear Dr./Professor Last Name
  • Dear The Honorable Last Name

**Use a less formal salutation if you are writing to someone you know well.** This could be a friend, family member, or close coworker. Some examples of less formal salutations include:

  • Dear [First Name]
  • Dear [Nickname]
  • To my dearest [Friend's Name]

**If you are unsure of what salutation to use, you can always err on the side of formality.** It's better to be too formal than too informal.

Once you have chosen a salutation, be sure to write it correctly. This means using the correct spelling and capitalization. You should also make sure that the salutation is aligned properly on the page.


Specific mention of gift

If your guest gave you a gift, be sure to mention it specifically in your thank-you card. This shows that you appreciate their thoughtfulness and that you took the time to notice their gift. Here are a few tips:

  • Be specific about the gift. Don't just say "Thank you for the gift." Instead, say something like "Thank you for the beautiful vase. It's perfect for our new home."
  • If the gift is from a group of people, be sure to thank each person individually. For example, you could say "Thank you to John, Mary, and Susan for the lovely gift basket. We're so grateful for your thoughtfulness."
  • If you're not sure what to say, you can always err on the side of formality. For example, you could say "Thank you for your generous gift. We appreciate your support."
  • Don't be afraid to get creative. You can come up with a unique way to thank your guest for their gift. For example, you could write a poem or song, or you could create a photo album of all the gifts you received.

No matter what you choose to say, be sure to be sincere and heartfelt. Your guests will appreciate the time and effort you put into showing your gratitude.

Mention of their presence

In addition to thanking your guests for their gifts, be sure to also thank them for their presence at your wedding. This shows that you appreciate them taking the time to celebrate with you on your special day. Here are a few tips:

**Be specific about why you're grateful for their presence.** For example, you could say "Thank you for being there to share our special day. It meant the world to us to have you there." **If your guest traveled a long distance to attend your wedding, be sure to mention that.** For example, you could say "Thank you for making the long trip to be with us on our wedding day. We're so grateful for your support." **If your guest has a special connection to you or your spouse, be sure to mention that.** For example, you could say "Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to [spouse's name]. We're so lucky to have you in our lives." **Don't be afraid to get creative.** You can come up with a unique way to thank your guest for their presence. For example, you could write a poem or song, or you could create a photo album of all the guests who attended your wedding.

No matter what you choose to say, be sure to be sincere and heartfelt. Your guests will appreciate the time and effort you put into showing your gratitude.

Well wishes

it's traditional to include a well wish in your wedding thank-you card. This is a chance to express your hopes and dreams for your guests' future. Here are a few tips:
  • Be sincere. Your well wishes should be genuine and heartfelt.
  • Be specific. Don't just say "I wish you all the best." Instead, take the time to personalize your well wishes for each guest.
  • Be brief. Your well wishes don't need to be long, but they should be meaningful.
Here are a few examples of well wishes you can use: * "May your love for each other grow stronger with each passing year." * "May you always find joy and happiness in each other's company." * "May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and adventure." * "May you have a lifetime of happiness together." * "May all your dreams come true."

Closing salutation

The closing salutation is the last thing your guests will see when they read your thank-you card. It's important to choose a salutation that is both appropriate and heartfelt. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a formal salutation if you are writing to someone you don't know well. This could be someone like your boss, a coworker, or a distant relative. Some examples of formal salutations include:
    • Sincerely,
    • Thank you,
    • With gratitude,
  • Use a less formal salutation if you are writing to someone you know well. This could be a friend, family member, or close coworker. Some examples of less formal salutations include:
    • Love,
    • Best,
    • Thanks,
  • If you are unsure of what salutation to use, you can always err on the side of formality. It's better to be too formal than too informal.
  • Be sure to sign your name legibly. You can also include your spouse's name if you wish.

Here are a few examples of complete closing salutations:

* "Sincerely, [Your name]" * "Thank you, [Your name]" * "With gratitude, [Your name]" * "Love, [Your name]" * "Best, [Your name]" * "Thanks, [Your name]"

Handwritten signature

It's always a nice touch to handwrite your signature on your wedding thank-you cards. This shows your guests that you took the time and effort to personalize their card. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a pen that writes smoothly. You don't want your signature to be smudged or illegible.
  • Sign your name legibly. Your guests should be able to read your name easily.
  • If you have a long name, you can sign it with just your first initial and last name.
  • You can also include your spouse's name if you wish.

Here are a few examples of handwritten signatures:

* "[Your first initial] [Your last name]" * "[Your first name] [Your last name]" * "[Your first name] [Your middle initial] [Your last name]" * "[Your first name] and [Your spouse's name]"

Enclosed gift card

If you are giving your guests a gift card, be sure to mention it in your thank-you card. This will help to ensure that they don't forget about it. Here are a few tips:

  • State the amount of the gift card. This will help your guests to budget for their purchase.
  • Indicate where the gift card can be used. This will help your guests to find the store or website where they can redeem their gift card.
  • Include a personal note. This will show your guests that you appreciate their gift and that you took the time to choose a gift card that they will enjoy.

Here is an example of how to mention an enclosed gift card in your thank-you card:

* "Thank you for the generous gift. We have enclosed a gift card to [store name] so that you can choose something you love." * "We appreciate your thoughtfulness. We have enclosed a gift card to [website name] so that you can purchase something you've been wanting." * "Thank you for the lovely gift. We have enclosed a gift card to [store name] so that you can treat yourself to something special."

Personal touch

The best way to make your wedding thank-you cards truly special is to add a personal touch. This could be anything from sharing a special memory to including a photo of you and your guest. Here are a few ideas:

  • Share a special memory. This could be a memory from your wedding day, or it could be a memory from your relationship with your guest.

    For example, you could say something like: "I remember the first time we met, we were both so nervous. But after talking for just a few minutes, I knew that we were meant to be friends."

  • Include a photo of you and your guest. This is a great way to personalize your thank-you card and to show your guest how much you appreciate their friendship or support.

    If you're including a photo, be sure to choose one that is high-quality and that captures a special moment between you and your guest.

  • Write a handwritten note. This is a simple but effective way to add a personal touch to your thank-you card.

    In your note, you can express your gratitude to your guest and share a special memory or thought.

  • Use your own stationery. This is a great way to make your thank-you cards unique and to reflect your own personal style.

    If you're using your own stationery, be sure to choose paper that is high-quality and that has a professional look.

No matter what you choose to do, be sure to put your own personal touch on your wedding thank-you cards. This will show your guests how much you appreciate their presence and support, and it will make your thank-you cards truly special.


When writing wedding thank you cards, there are a few common questions that people have. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions, along with their answers: >Question 1: What should I include in my thank you card?
**Answer:** At the very least, your thank you card should include a personal salutation, an expression of gratitude, and a closing salutation. You may also want to include a specific mention of the gift you received, mention their presence at your wedding, or share a special memory. >Question 2: How long should my thank you card be?
**Answer:** Your thank you card can be as long or as short as you like. However, most people aim for a length of around 100-200 words. >Question 3: What is the best way to word my thank you card?
**Answer:** There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best way to word your thank you card is to be sincere and personal. Use your own words to express your gratitude to your guests for attending your wedding and sharing your special day. >Question 4: When should I send out my thank you cards?
**Answer:** It is customary to send out your wedding thank you cards within 3 months of your wedding day. However, it is more important to take the time to write thoughtful and personal cards than to rush to get them in the mail. >Question 5: What should I do if I don't know the person's address?
**Answer:** If you don't know the person's address, you can try to find it online or through social media. You can also ask your wedding planner or other guests for their contact information. >Question 6: What should I do if I can't afford to send out thank you cards?
**Answer:** If you can't afford to send out thank you cards, there are other ways to express your gratitude to your guests. You could write a heartfelt letter to your guests, or you could create a personalized video message. You could also host a small gathering to thank your guests in person. These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about wedding thank you cards. If you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask your wedding planner or another trusted friend or family member for advice. Now that you know the basics of writing wedding thank you cards, here are a few additional tips to help you get started:


In addition to the basic tips we've covered so far, here are a few specific examples of how to word your wedding thank you cards大夫> <大夫>Tip 1: Be specific大夫> When you're thanking your guests, be sure to be specific about what you're thanking them for. For example, instead of saying "Thank you for the gift," you could say "Thank you for the beautiful silver picture frame. It's perfect for our new home." <大夫>Tip 2: Be personal大夫> Your thank you cards are a great opportunity to connect with your guests on a personal level. Share a special memory from your wedding day, or tell them how much their presence meant to you. <大夫>Tip 3: Be brief大夫> While you want to be specific and personal, you also don't want to overwhelm your guests with a long thank you card. Keep your cards brief and to the point. <大夫>Tip 4: Proofread your cards大夫> Before you mail out your thank you cards, be sure to proofread them carefully for any errors. Check for typos, grammatical errors, and any other mistakes. By following these tips, you can write wedding thank you cards that are both personal and professional. Your guests will appreciate the time and effort you put into showing your appreciation.大夫>


Writing wedding thank you cards is a great way to show your appreciation to your guests for attending your wedding and sharing your special day. By following the tips and examples outlined in this article, you can write thank you cards that are both personal and meaningful. Here are a few key points to remember: * Be specific about what you're thanking your guests for. * Be personal and share a special memory or thought. * Keep your cards brief and to the point. * Proofread your cards carefully before mailing them out. By taking the time to write thoughtful and sincere thank you cards, you can show your guests how much you appreciate their support and presence on your wedding day.

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