Best Wedding Entrance Songs

Best Wedding Entrance Songs

Your wedding entrance is one of the most memorable moments of your big day. It's the moment when you and your partner make your grand entrance as a married couple, and all eyes are on you. The music you choose for your entrance sets the tone for the rest of the evening, so it's important to choose a song that is meaningful to you and your partner and that will create the perfect atmosphere for your celebration.

There are many different factors to consider when choosing your wedding entrance song. You'll want to think about the style of your wedding, the size of your venue, and the number of guests you'll have. You'll also want to consider the lyrics of the song and make sure they reflect the values and personality of you and your partner.

With so many great songs to choose from, it can be difficult to narrow down your choices. Here are a few of our favorite wedding entrance songs to get you started:

Best Wedding Entrance Songs

When choosing your wedding entrance song, there are a few important points to keep in mind:

  • Meaningful lyrics: Choose a song that reflects your values and personality as a couple.
  • Tempo: The tempo of the song should match the pace of your entrance.
  • Volume: Make sure the volume of the song is loud enough to be heard by all of your guests.
  • Length: The song should be long enough to give you time to make your entrance and reach the altar.
  • Style: The style of the song should match the overall tone of your wedding.
  • Venue: Consider the size of your venue when choosing a song.
  • Guests: Keep your guests in mind when choosing a song.
  • Personalization: You can personalize your entrance song by having it performed live or by adding your own lyrics.

By following these tips, you can choose the perfect wedding entrance song that will make your grand entrance unforgettable.

Meaningful lyrics: Choose a song that reflects your values and personality as a couple.

The lyrics of your wedding entrance song are one of the most important factors to consider when making your choice. After all, this is the song that will be playing as you make your grand entrance as a married couple, and you want it to reflect your values and personality as a couple.

  • Consider your love story. What is the story of how you met and fell in love? Is there a particular song that holds special meaning for you as a couple? If so, this would be a great choice for your entrance song.
  • Think about your values. What are the most important things to you as a couple? Are you passionate about social justice, environmentalism, or animal welfare? There are many songs that can reflect your values and make a statement about who you are as a couple.
  • Choose a song that you love. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to choose a song that you and your partner love. This is the song that will be playing as you make your grand entrance as a married couple, so make sure it's a song that you'll both enjoy.
  • Don't be afraid to be personal. If you can't find a song that perfectly reflects your values and personality, you can always personalize a song by adding your own lyrics or having it performed live by a friend or family member.

By following these tips, you can choose a wedding entrance song that is meaningful and personal to you and your partner.

Tempo: The tempo of the song should match the pace of your entrance.

The tempo of your wedding entrance song is also important to consider. You want to choose a song that has a tempo that matches the pace of your entrance. If you're planning on a grand entrance, you'll want to choose a song with a faster tempo. If you're planning on a more relaxed entrance, you can choose a song with a slower tempo.

  • Consider the length of your processional. How long will it take you and your wedding party to walk down the aisle? If you have a long processional, you'll need to choose a song with a slower tempo so that you don't end up rushing down the aisle.
  • Think about the size of your venue. If you're getting married in a large venue, you'll need to choose a song with a faster tempo so that it can be heard throughout the space. If you're getting married in a small venue, you can choose a song with a slower tempo.
  • Consider your personal style. Do you and your partner prefer fast-paced songs or slow-paced songs? Choose a song with a tempo that reflects your personal style.
  • Get feedback from your wedding planner or DJ. If you're not sure what tempo to choose, ask your wedding planner or DJ for advice. They can help you choose a song that is the perfect fit for your entrance.

By following these tips, you can choose a wedding entrance song with a tempo that matches the pace of your entrance and creates the perfect atmosphere for your big day.

Volume: Make sure the volume of the song is loud enough to be heard by all of your guests.

The volume of your wedding entrance song is also important to consider. You want to make sure that the song is loud enough to be heard by all of your guests, but you don't want it to be so loud that it's overwhelming.

  • Consider the size of your venue. If you're getting married in a large venue, you'll need to make sure that the volume of your song is loud enough to be heard throughout the space. If you're getting married in a small venue, you can keep the volume of your song lower.
  • Think about the acoustics of your venue. Some venues have better acoustics than others. If your venue has poor acoustics, you'll need to make sure that the volume of your song is loud enough to be heard clearly.
  • Get feedback from your wedding planner or DJ. If you're not sure what volume to set your song to, ask your wedding planner or DJ for advice. They can help you set the volume to a level that is loud enough to be heard by all of your guests without being overwhelming.
  • Do a sound check before your ceremony. This will help you to ensure that the volume of your song is set to the correct level.

By following these tips, you can make sure that the volume of your wedding entrance song is perfect for your venue and your guests.

Length: The song should be long enough to give you time to make your entrance and reach the altar.

The length of your wedding entrance song is also important to consider. You want to choose a song that is long enough to give you time to make your entrance and reach the altar, but you don't want it to be so long that your guests get bored.

  • Consider the length of your processional. How long will it take you and your wedding party to walk down the aisle? Choose a song that is long enough to cover the length of your processional.
  • Think about the size of your venue. If you're getting married in a large venue, you'll need to choose a longer song to give you enough time to walk down the aisle. If you're getting married in a small venue, you can choose a shorter song.
  • Consider your personal style. Do you and your partner prefer short songs or long songs? Choose a song that is the perfect length for your personal style.
  • Get feedback from your wedding planner or DJ. If you're not sure what length to choose, ask your wedding planner or DJ for advice. They can help you choose a song that is the perfect length for your entrance.

By following these tips, you can choose a wedding entrance song that is the perfect length for your venue, your processional, and your personal style.

Style: The style of the song should match the overall tone of your wedding.

The style of your wedding entrance song should match the overall tone of your wedding. If you're having a formal wedding, you'll want to choose a song that is elegant and sophisticated. If you're having a more casual wedding, you can choose a song that is more fun and upbeat.

  • Consider the theme of your wedding. If you're having a rustic wedding, you might want to choose a song with a country or folk feel. If you're having a beach wedding, you might want to choose a song with a reggae or calypso beat.
  • Think about the season of your wedding. If you're getting married in the spring, you might want to choose a song with a light and airy feel. If you're getting married in the fall, you might want to choose a song with a more warm and romantic feel.
  • Consider your personal style. Do you and your partner prefer classical music, pop music, or rock music? Choose a song that reflects your personal style and the overall tone of your wedding.
  • Get feedback from your wedding planner or DJ. If you're not sure what style of song to choose, ask your wedding planner or DJ for advice. They can help you choose a song that is the perfect fit for your wedding.

By following these tips, you can choose a wedding entrance song that perfectly matches the style and tone of your wedding.

仔細考慮場地大小來挑選 Entrance Song


仔細考量 1:迎賓時間


仔細考量 2:音場條件

留心婚宴場地的「音場」表現。音場優良的場地,即使選用音量較小的伴奏,也能清楚傳遞到賓客耳裡;反之,若音場較為侷促,則應適度提升音量大小,爭取全場都能感受到 Entrance Song 的震撼力。

仔細考量 3:現場反饋

婚禮當天,別忽略「現場」的音控反饋,詢問樂團或音控師,實際感受最理想的 Entrance Song 音量。切記,音量拿捏不當,將影響賓客對新人進場的感受,過大過小皆失了水準。

仔細考量 4:婚禮氛圍

考量 Entrance Song 對「婚禮氛圍」的渲染力。活潑歡快的樂曲,能炒熱全場氣氛,讓賓客嗨起來;略帶感性的抒情歌,則能為婚禮帶來一股溫馨與隆重感,端看新人們對於婚禮氛圍的期待而定。

顧及賓客感受來挑選 Entrance Song

考量「賓客」的感受,是挑選 Entrance Song 的重要依據。一對新人踏上紅毯的那一刻,是全場焦點,理所當然希望賓客能專注在他們身上,盡量挑選賓客們耳熟能詳、朗朗上口,又或是寓意良好的歌曲,讓賓客能融入這場專屬於新人們的婚禮派對。

顧及賓客感受 1:年齡層分佈

賓客的「年齡層分佈」,攸關 Entrance Song 的挑選方向。倘若婚禮賓客長輩居多,建議選擇較為經典或傳統的曲目,展現對長輩們的尊重與重視;反之,賓客以同儕好友為主,則可大膽選用時下流行歌曲,炒熱現場氣氛。

顧及賓客感受 2:賓客喜好

考量賓客的「音樂喜好」,更能展現新人貼心的一面。若賓客多半為搖滾樂迷,不妨挑選搖滾曲風的 Entrance Song,讓入場瞬間嗨翻全場,炒熱婚禮派對的氣氛;反之,倘若賓客偏好古典樂,則應挑選優雅動人的古典樂曲,營造高貴典雅的婚禮氛圍。

顧及賓客感受 3:賓客參與度

若希望賓客能更融入婚禮,不妨挑選能引發「賓客參與度」的 Entrance Song。例如,挑選一首耳熟能詳的歌曲,讓賓客能跟著哼唱,炒熱婚禮氣氛;或是選擇一首帶有互動性質的歌曲,讓賓客能隨著節奏拍手或揮動螢光棒,讓婚禮現場化身大型演唱會。

顧及賓客感受 4:賓客文化背景

考量賓客的「文化背景」,展現新人對多元文化的尊重。若賓客來自不同文化背景,不妨挑選一首融合各國特色的 Entrance Song,營造國際化的婚禮氛圍,讓賓客都能感受到新人對他們文化的重視與尊重。

Personalization: You can personalize your entrance song by having it performed live or by adding your own lyrics.

If you want to make your wedding entrance song even more special, you can personalize it by having it performed live or by adding your own lyrics.

  • Have it performed live. Hiring a live band or musician to perform your entrance song can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your wedding. It will also create a more intimate and memorable experience for you and your guests.
  • Add your own lyrics. If you have a special song that you love, but it doesn't quite fit the occasion, you can add your own lyrics to make it more personal. This is a great way to incorporate your own unique style into your wedding.
  • Combine the two. You can also combine the two options by having a live band or musician perform your entrance song with your own personalized lyrics. This is a great way to create a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
  • Get creative. There are endless ways to personalize your entrance song. You could have a friend or family member sing it, or you could even write and perform it yourself. The important thing is to choose a song that is meaningful to you and your partner and that will make your entrance truly special.

By following these tips, you can choose a wedding entrance song that is perfect for you and your partner and that will make your grand entrance unforgettable.


Here are some frequently asked questions about choosing the best wedding entrance song:

Question 1: How do I choose a wedding entrance song that is meaningful to me and my partner?
Answer: Consider your love story, your values, and your personal style. Choose a song that reflects your relationship and that you both love.

Question 2: What is the best tempo for a wedding entrance song?
Answer: The tempo of your entrance song should match the pace of your entrance. If you're planning on a grand entrance, choose a song with a faster tempo. If you're planning on a more relaxed entrance, you can choose a song with a slower tempo.

Question 3: How loud should my wedding entrance song be?
Answer: The volume of your entrance song should be loud enough to be heard by all of your guests, but not so loud that it's overwhelming. Ask your wedding planner or DJ for advice on setting the volume to the correct level.

Question 4: How long should my wedding entrance song be?
Answer: The length of your entrance song should be long enough to give you time to make your entrance and reach the altar, but not so long that your guests get bored. Consider the length of your processional and the size of your venue when choosing a song.

Question 5: How do I choose a wedding entrance song that matches the style of my wedding?
Answer: Consider the theme of your wedding, the season of your wedding, and your personal style when choosing a song. If you're having a formal wedding, choose a song that is elegant and sophisticated. If you're having a more casual wedding, you can choose a song that is more fun and upbeat.

Question 6: Can I personalize my wedding entrance song?
Answer: Yes, you can personalize your entrance song by having it performed live or by adding your own lyrics. This is a great way to make your entrance truly unique and special.

Question 7: Where can I find more wedding entrance songs?
Answer: There are many resources available to help you find the perfect wedding entrance song. You can search online, consult with a wedding planner, or ask your friends and family for recommendations.

Choosing the perfect wedding entrance song is an important part of planning your big day. By following these tips, you can choose a song that is meaningful, memorable, and perfect for you and your partner.

In addition to the tips above, here are a few additional tips for choosing the best wedding entrance song:


Here are a few additional tips for choosing the best wedding entrance song:

Tip 1: Start your search early. Don't wait until the last minute to start thinking about your entrance song. Give yourself plenty of time to find a song that you love and that fits the style of your wedding.

Tip 2: Consider your guests. When choosing your entrance song, keep your guests in mind. Choose a song that is appropriate for the age and cultural background of your guests.

Tip 3: Practice your entrance. Once you've chosen your entrance song, practice your entrance so that you can walk down the aisle with confidence and style.

Tip 4: Have a backup plan. In case of technical difficulties, it's a good idea to have a backup plan in place. Choose a second song that you can use if your first choice doesn't work.

By following these tips, you can choose the perfect wedding entrance song that will make your grand entrance unforgettable.

Choosing the perfect wedding entrance song is an important part of planning your big day. By following the tips in this article, you can choose a song that is meaningful, memorable, and perfect for you and your partner.


Your wedding entrance song is one of the most important songs you'll choose for your big day. It's the song that will set the tone for your entrance as a married couple, and it's a song that you'll remember for the rest of your lives.

When choosing your wedding entrance song, there are a few important things to keep in mind. First, consider the meaning of the song. Choose a song that reflects your values and personality as a couple. Second, consider the tempo of the song. The tempo should match the pace of your entrance. Third, consider the volume of the song. The song should be loud enough to be heard by all of your guests, but not so loud that it's overwhelming.

Finally, don't be afraid to personalize your entrance song. You can have it performed live, add your own lyrics, or even write your own song. By personalizing your entrance song, you can make it truly unique and special.

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